2.2 Introducing Other People

Mini-lesson 1: Introductions in Formal Situations

Introductions can occur between more than two people, for example at a party or at a business meeting. When you meet someone for the first time, it is common to greet them by saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” or “Pleased to meet you.” It is polite to respond by repeating the statement back at them, as Mary does in this example:

Ken: Peter, I’d like you to meet Mary.

Peter: It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Mary: It’s a pleasure to meet you too!

Ken: Mary works for…

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Mini-lesson 2: Introductions in Informal Situations

In informal situations, especially in North America, introductions are also made simply saying, “This is (name).” It is also common to just say “Hi” or “Hello” as a response in this informal setting.

Ken: Peter, this is Mary.

Peter: Hi. How are you?

Mary: Hello! Pleased to meet you.

Ken: Mary works for…

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Listening Practice

Listen and reorder the sentences to make the right dialogue 

Speaking Practice

In a group of 3, practice these dialogues:

Conversation 1: Formal introduction

MARGARET: Mr. Wilson, I’d like you to meet Dr. Edward Smith.

MR. WILSON: It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Smith.

DR. SMITH: Pleasure to meet you, too.

MARGARET: Dr. Smith is an economist. He just finished writing a book on international trade.

MR. WILSON: Oh? That’s my field, too. I work for the United Nations.

DR. SMITH: In the Development Programby any chance?

MR. WILSON: Yes. How did you guess?

DR. SMITH: I’ve read your articles on technical assistance. They’re excellent.

Conversation 2: Informal introduction

JIM: Who’s the tall woman next to Barbara?

CHARLES: That’s her friend Mary. Didn’t you meet her at Steve’s party?

JIM: No, I wasn’t at Steve’s party.

CHARLES: Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Mary, this is my friend Jim.

MARY: Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you.

JIM: You, too. Would you like a drink?

MARY: Sure, let’s go get one.

Conversation 3: Informal Situation

A:   Good ___!

B:   Good ____! My name is _____________.

A:   Hello. My name is ____________.

B:   Have we met before?

A:   No we haven’t met. Pleased to meet you!

B:   Pleased to meet you too. Have you met ____________?

A:   I’m not sure.

C:   Yes, we have met before. Good to see you again!

A:   Oh yes, I remember now. Good to see you again too!

C:   How are you doing?

A:   I’m not too good today.

C:   I’m sorry to hear that.

A:   And what about you?

C:   Oh, I’m fine.

B:   I have an idea. Let’s practice English more together!