IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Chủ đề Hobbies & Habits

CTH Edu tổng hợp câu hỏi thường gặp và gợi ý một số câu trả lời cho chủ đề Sở thích và Thói quen – Hobbies & Habits của bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Câu hỏi thường gặp

1. Theo Speaking for IELTS

Describe a hobby you enjoy. You should say:

  • how long you have been doing it
  • how often you do it
  • what benefits you get from it
  • and explain why you enjoy it.

2. Theo Get ready for IELTS Speaking

2.1. Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.

You should say:

  • what kind of newspaper or magazine it is
  • which parts of it you read
  • when and where you read it
  • and explain why you enjoy reading it.

2.2. Describe an activity you like doing.

You should say:

  • what activity is it
  • where and when do you do it
  • who you like doing it with
  • And explain why you enjoy doing it.

2.3. Talk about a TV programme you enjoy watching.

You should say:

  • what type of programme it is
  • which are your favourite parts
  • when and where you watch it
  • And explain why you enjoy watching it.

2.4. Talk about a programme you learned something from.

You should say:

  • what type of programme it was
  • which were your favourite parts
  • who you watched it with
  • And explain what you learned from it.

3. Theo IELTS Liz

3.1. Describe a piece of art you like.

You should say:

  • what the work of art is
  • when you first saw it
  • what you know about it
  • and explain why you like it.

3.2. Describe a book you have recently read.

You should say:

  • what kind of book it is
  • what it is about
  • what sort of people would enjoy it
  • and explain why you liked it.

3.3. Music

Describe a song you like. You should say:

  • what kind of song it is
  • what the song is about
  • when you first heard it
  • and explain why you like it.

3.4. Hobby

Describe an interesting hobby. You should say:

  • what it is
  • what kind of people do it
  • how it is done
  • and explain why you think it is interesting.

3.5. Daily Routine

Describe a time of the day you like. You should say:

  • what time of day it is
  • what you do at that time
  • who you are usually with
  • and explain why you like it.

4. Theo IELTS Online Tests

4.1. Food

Talk about your favorite food. You should say:

  • what the food is
  • what it is made of
  • why you like it
  • and explain why it is your favorite food

4.2. Movies

Describe a movie which made a strong impression on you. You should say:

  • which movie it was – the name
  • what the movie was about
  • who the main stars wore
  • and explain why you enjoyed the movie.

Gợi ý câu trả lời

1. Theo Speaking for IELTS

– One of my favourite hobbies is going shopping.

I’ve always loved it. I think I get it from my mum, who used to take me to the nearest town every weekend to visit shops and boutiques. She taught me about buying a few quality items that you may pay a premium for but that last a long time so are a good investment. She also taught me about how to check for the quality of a garment by looking at the way it’s sewn together and also creasing the fabric to see if it stays creased or not. If it stays creased then it’s a poor quality fabric.

Another thing I learnt from her is how to find a bargain. You need to shop around and not be afraid of trying the smaller boutiques where you’re more likely to find a shop owner who’s happy to offer a discount. I’ve been shopping on my own since I was a student. Then, I could not afford to buy many things but stuck to what my mum taught me and kept my eyes open for a quality bargain. The rest of the time, I would window shop.

Nowadays I can afford designer clothes but I still love the sales, when I hunt for a bargain and the odd top-designer item.

One thing I hate, however, is trying things on because there are always long queues and it means you have less time for shopping. It’s not a problem, not trying things on, because if something is not the right size I can take it back to the shop as long as I’ve
kept the receipt.

I go shopping every week. I find it therapeutic. It always makes you feel good to get your hands on a nice quality piece at a bargain price, and if I’m feeling a bit down there’s nothing like a bit of retail therapy. I find shopping exciting as well. You spend time in the poshest part of town where you can mix with fashionable people. There’s a buzz and it’s busy and noisy and colourful. Shopping lets you keep up to speed with the latest trends. So all in all, I think it has a lot of benefits and I love it.

– What’s the best bargain you’ve ever got?

– I once bought a designer coat, 100% cashmere, absolutely beautiful, for 25% of the full price. It was in a closing-down sale.

2. Theo Get ready for IELTS Speaking

2.1. Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.

I enjoy reading a magazine called Fab Football It is about sport, of course, and it’s my favourite sport. I love watching football from different countries and I love reading about it.

The magazine’s got lots of good information. I don’t like reading the letters or adverts. I prefer reading the interviews with famous players, or the news.

I read Fab Football every weekend. I buy it on Saturday morning and go home and read.

I enjoy meeting friends and reading the magazine together. I don’t mind sharing it. We like chatting about the news, the players. It’s very interesting.

2.2. Describe an activity you like doing.

The activity I like doing is watching DVDs. I love watching films. I watch DVDs every weekend and sometimes in the week. I prefer watching films at home to going to the cinem. I watch films at my brother’s flat too I like watching films with my family. We cook a meal and then we enjo eating and watching a funny film. It’s fun and I like spending time with my family.

2.3. Talk about a TV programme you enjoy watching.

I’d like to talk about a TV programme I enjoy watching called Chat Chat.

It’s a popular talk show and the guests are usually famous actors or singers. For example, two Oscar winners were on the show last week.

Firstly, my favourite parts are the presenter and the music. The presenter is very funny and very good at his job. A good example of this if when he interviews guests. He is very kind and petient, so he can ask difficult questions and get honest answers. There is always a music part at the end of the show. A singer or group sing a song.

I usually watch this show on Saturday afternoons when I’m at my cousin’s house. We love watching this show and we eat some snacks and just relax.

Finally, I enjoy watching this programme because it is funny, interesting and relaxing. I forget about my studies and my problems, and I enjoy learning about these famous people.

2.4. Talk about a programme you learned something from.

I’d like to talk about a programme I learned something from.

The programme was a very interesting documentary and it was about a famous writer. I enjoy watching this documentary series. It always has really interesting people or topics.

Firstly, I liked everything in the documentary, but my favourite parts were the interviews with her family and friends. A good example of this is the interview with her sister. She talked about their life when they were young children. She was very funny. There was one old friend from the writer’s school and they are still friends today. I liked learning about the writer’s personal life.

I watched it with my classmates. We watched it at college in a seminar. It was part of the course and then we gave a presentation about her life.

I learned lots of things from the documentary. For example, I learned she was from a poor family. I learned she had no qualifications from school and then she lived in different countries. Finally, I learned that she now lives in her hometown and she writes there.