CTH Edu tổng hợp câu hỏi thường gặp và gợi ý một số câu trả lời cho chủ đề Thiên nhiên và Môi trường – Nature & Environment của bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 3.
Câu hỏi thường gặp
1. Theo Speaking for IELTS
1.1. The environment
- Are people in your country concerned about protecting the environment?
- Does the responsibility for protecting the environment lie with governments or with individuals?
- Does it help to educate young people on being green?
1.2. Pollution
- What effects does pollution have on the environment?
- Do you think we pollute more now than we did 50 years ago?
- What do you think will happen if we do not reduce current levels of pollution?
2. Theo IELTS Liz
- What are the main environmental problems in your country?
- Why should people be concerned about the environment?
- How can people protect the environment?
- Do you think money should be spent on protecting animals?
- Do you think more should be done to protect natural beauty spots in your country?
3. Theo IELTS Online Tests
- Tell me, what do you think are the greatest problems facing your country at present?
- And what has been done so far to solve these problems?
- How successful would you say these measures have been?
- Do you think things are likely to get better or worse in the future?
- Is what you are going to study likely to be of any use to solve these problems?
- Should countries try to solve the climate change problems together or individually? Why?
- Why is it important to protect the natural environment?
- What environmental problems are common in your country?
- What can the government in your country do to deal with those problems?
- What technological innovations should the world develop to protect the environment?
- Do you think the youth these days care about the environment? Why do you think so?
- Environmental problems are too big to be dealt at the individual level? Do you agree? Why/ Why not?
Gợi ý câu trả lời
1. The environment
Are people in your country concerned about protecting the environment?
To be honest, no. I think the middle and upper classes are more interested in earning as
much money as they can in order to buy as much stuff as they can. And there are many
people in my country who live below the poverty line and they quite literally can’t afford
to worry about the environment when they’re struggling to put food on the table and just
Does the responsibility for protecting the environment lie with governments or with individuals?
In my view, the responsibility lies with all of us, However, individuals, at least in my
country, aren ‘t taking action of their own accord, and nor are businesses ; they’re just out
to make a profit. Therefore, it falls to governments to force people to be more green, for
example by fining companies that release toxic waste into our rivers, or incentivising ‘us to recycle.
Does it help to educate young people on being green?
Almost certainly it does, because it is the next generation wllo will have to take on the
huge burden of saving the planet. This generation isn’t doing enough and is too worried
about money, so I pray that the next one will see the urgency of the situation, and the
way to get them to see is to teach them about the repercussions of a polluting lifestyle
such as ours.
2. Pollution
What effects does pollution have on the environment?
Oh, I hardly know where to start! Pollution in the oceans kills fish and so unbalances the
ecosystem, Pollution on land means that whole areas become unfit to live on or to farm.
Habitats are destroyed, which leads to the extinction of hundreds of animal and plant
Do you think we pollute more now than we did fifty years ago?
Well, yes, overall. I’d say, though, that richer countries pollute less themselves but
export their pollution elsewhere, by which I mean that they consume foreign products
that have a large carbon footprint. It has become fashionable to be green in wealthier
nations, especially Western ones, so people make an effort to cycle to work and recycle
their waste. However, it’s quite a shallow attempt at being green, in my opinion, because
they still live in big houses using lots of energy and go on holidays abroad, leaving a trail
of pollution in their wake.
What do you think will happen if we don’t reduce current levels of pollution?
I read an article recently that claimed if we don’t change our ways, we will need a second
planet to meet our needs as early as 2030. It’s frightening to think that we’re that greedy,
and I’m sure I’m just as guilty as the next person. I do hold out some hope that things
will get so bad that we will realise we really must act, and we will completely change
our destructive habits just in the nick of time. If not, the planet will surely become