CTH Soft Participates in ICT Training for Teachers in 5 Provinces

From December 13 to December 24, 2023, CTH Soft was invited to conduct training sessions for teachers in five provinces surrounding Hanoi (Nam Dinh, Hai Phong, Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen, and Hai Duong) on applications that support teaching and learning. This initiative is part of a program aimed at enhancing teachers’ ability to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into language teaching and learning, under the National Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Project for the period 2017–2025.

Trao đổi về Adaptive Learning (học tập thích ứng) với công nghệ
Discussion on Adaptive Learning with Technology

During the training, CTH Soft introduced global trends and types of Edtech (Educational Technology) and showcased the Edtech solutions developed and distributed by CTH Soft in Vietnam. The integration of technology in education is a central focus of improving the quality of teaching, learning, and management in the context of digital transformation.

Additionally, CTH Soft emphasized the importance of two modern teaching approaches with engaging, learner-centered activities: personalized learning and adaptive learning. Integrating these teaching models with technology enables more meaningful teacher-led sessions, allowing students to quickly improve their skills and leverage their strengths.

As part of the training sessions, CTH Soft introduced and provided hands-on experiences with two educational software solutions developed by the company to help teachers familiarize themselves with technology in education:

  • TAK12 – An intelligent exam preparation system designed to help students achieve high results while optimizing their study time.
  • azVocab – A vocabulary learning notebook powered by AI, utilizing a spaced repetition algorithm to help learners easily retain new vocabulary for long-term memory.